wolf WORDS
by a barely functional human

Modern Moderation

Reset minds with mindfulness

Jan 17th, 2021 · 4 min read

Note: The following is a transcription of journal entries written during a 24 hour dopamine fast/digital detox where all forms of technology were powered off, and external stimulation kept to a minimum. 0908: I’ve become more aware of my surroundings. Either that or people are extra loud today. I’ve forgotten how to write properly. Not that I ever had great handwriting to begin with. I should use part of today to practice. My first cravings were not for food but technology so that I could c...

Assuming assumptions

Inspired by unintuitive intuitions

Dec 30th, 2020 · 5 min read

Information is so readily available that we should be experiencing a renaissance of thought, but this hasn’t happened yet, and I want to contribute to making progress toward that end. There’s a large segment of society today who accept the outcome of other people’s thought processes and don’t think critically for themselves anymore. We live in an increasingly skeptical and scientific world; neither of those is wrong in itself. Still, for those to be good things, everyone needs to be participati...

Respectable reduction

Boiling a function to its essence

Sep 4th, 2020 · 3 min read

Notes: this builds on my previous video/article about map and filter. I highly recommend you understand this prior material before proceeding. Consider this a written companion to my video about the reduce function from my barely functional dev channel. Previously, I introduced two out of the three essential functions commonly used in functional programming, but why did I leave one out? Well, I’m a barely functional dev, but I’m going to rectify that and complete the trifecta for y...

Chain pulling

Basic block blunders

Aug 28th, 2020 · 4 min read

“Just put it on the blockchain, and it will be secure.” Rachel discretely rolled her eyes: “You should know that won’t solve the problem, and in fact, will create more problems for us.” George persisted: “Nonsense! My nephew keeps all his money in Bitcoin, and he hasn’t lost a single byte!” “Satoshi,” Rachel corrected him. “Huh? What does sushi have to do with it?” Rachel was depleted, “It’s the unit of… never mind, George.” It was not her first argument over the blockchain as...

Map mastery

Filter out the noise

Aug 21st, 2020 · 3 min read

Notes: this builds on my previous video/article about higher-order functions. I highly recommend you understand this prior material before proceeding. Consider this a written companion to my video about the map and filter functions from my barely functional dev channel. Previously I wrote about “funception” or higher-order functions in highfalutin language. One of the examples that I gave was that of a function that took another function as its input. That function was able to map...